Quickie Bags=4-6 Servings (depending on how hungry you are)
Bored with white and yellow grits? Try our new Heirloom Jimmy Red Grits. This stunning corn is a red variety that was originally bred to make whiskey. It was brought back from the brink of extinction on James Island (near Charleston, SC) by Ted Chewning, who was given the last two ears in existence. With a little help from his friends, they saved this breed, and now, it's thriving again in the South. It's a rich and flavorful corn that has a slightly sweeter taste than your run of the mill dent corn.
So impress all your friends and family when you bust out this gem at your next brunch. But remember...grits aren't just for breakfast anymore. Top them with some fresh South Carolina shrimp, or smother them with some Jerk braised Oxtails. The sky is the limit!